


Founded in 2006, VentureBeat is the leading source for news, events, groundbreaking research and perspective on technology innovation. All of our content and events provide deep context to help executives, entrepreneurs, and tech enthusiasts make smart decisions. We aim to inform, connect and inspire.

Whether you come for the articles, read our newsletters, attend our events, or consume our research, you will emerge from VentureBeat with new knowledge, perspective, influences, and connections.

Research: Our Insights offer timely analysis, perspective and context from analysts and industry insiders linking executives to timely insights.

News: Run by a team of experienced journalists, VentureBeat covers a range of technology trends — from social to mobile, small business to enterprise, health tech, cloud, games, and more.

Events: Whether a small Roadshow, an invite only Summit or a larger Beat, our events are always authentic, unique, in-person experiences formed around innovative products, discussions, and ideas.

Recent data points:

  • 8 million monthly uniques
  • 18 million monthly pageviews
  • 590K Twitter followers
  • 118K LinkedIn connections with top industry leaders
  • Growth, Mobile, and Games Beats; Mobile, Games and Growth Summit

Founding Team

Matt Marshall, CEO and Founder